Shallow Waters

I admire people which follow the sun and keep their inner light shining in the hardest of storms.

Shallow Waters

1024 538 Jonathan

I admire people who keep their inner light shining in the hardest of storms, fueled only by one simple thought:

After every storm the sun always appears.

But the ones which I  truly adore have the innate capacity to store up that light and propagate it around them. Creating beautiful connections even when their actively picking up the pieces of their own selves. You see their spark … as they materialize their own inner workings with one brush stroke, one repeating sound or one seemingly perfect placed angle that captures the magnificence and simplicity of being human.

We had ‘harbors’ scattered all around the city. Their shapes and souls differed and their energies would fluctuate and transform from passing time as life transformed the city along with each and every one of us.

Our Bucharest is much more than it will ever be to some of its inhabitants. It is the city that shaped him from a geeky little kid with comic book dreams to a person capable of finding his own lost way through any storm. Each step he took was bathed in the scorching summer sun or hidden in shadows spawned by Bucharest’s buildings. One day he would venture through derelict buildings which were left vacant for so long that silence became their permanent tenant.

The next his feet would carry him to places where he would need to navigate through the racket of countless souls present on the ever changing platform of life. Waiting for the next train to carry them to their destination. Many lost their way while others … the ones we love so much gathered in cliques and decided to make their own way.

Material or immaterial… it did not matter. He just looked at them and understood they were just travelers, lingering inside their own peculiar minds and in search of a place they could call their own.

This Bucharest which we ventured through can only be felt. For us it was the port of origin on a journey we had to take. Driven not only by the traveller’s call but by something much more deeply rooted in the space we both occupied.

